Report Options

The report options are:

 Include Names

  Horizontal Format

  Tab Separators

  Append to File

Each of these is an item of the Report menu, and can be toggled on and off.

If Include Names is check-marked, then the names of nodes and states will be included in the reports for findings, relation CPT, beliefs and belief links, otherwise only the data numbers will appear.  Whether nodes are referred to by name, title or both, can be set by changing the style of the net.

Horizontal Format effects only the equations, findings, beliefs and belief links reports.  In general it produces a more compact report, especially if nodes have the same state names.  For equations, it shows the internal representation of the equation.

Tab Separators should be check-marked if you are going to paste the report into a spreadsheet (such as Excel).  If you are pasting into a word processing program (such as MS Word), then either use space separators and change the font to a mono-space one after pasting (such as Courier), or use tab separators and adjust the tab positions of the pasted text to produce pleasing columns.