Selecting Nodes/Links by Properties

In addition to the ways for manually selecting nodes or links, you can make selections based on the properties or relationships of nodes or links.

By choosing Edit Select Nodes from the overhead menu, or right-clicking the background and choosing Select Nodes, you will be presented with a list of the following options:

Select Nodes

All - All the nodes including constant nodes, and also titles and notes.

Invert Selection - Nodes that are currently unselected (and de-selects those that are selected).

In NodeSet - The nodes that are members of the chosen node-set.

Listed in Clipboard - Those nodes whose name (not title) appears precisely in the text you have just copied to the clipboard (multiple nodes should be separated by commas or whitespaces).

Match Search String - All nodes whose name, title or state name or title, or node description contains the search text (which you will be asked for).

With Tables - Any nodes whose CPT table or function table is completely filled in.

Incomplete Tables - Any nodes whose CPT table or function table is not completely filled in (i.e., contains some blank entries).

With Equations - Nodes that have an equation defined.

With Findings - Nodes with any type of finding ("evidence"), including positive, negative or likelihood ("virtual") findings.

Likelihood Findings - Nodes with only a likelihood finding ("virtual evidence"), or multiple likelihood findings that aren't equivalent to a single positive finding.

Parents - All nodes that have a link pointing to some currently selected node.

Ancestors - All nodes that have a path of forward-pointing links to some currently selected node.

Children - All nodes that have a link coming from some currently selected node.

Descendents - All nodes that have a path of forward-pointing links from some currently selected node.

Connected - Nodes that have a path of links (ignoring directions) to some currently selected node.

Info (D-) Connected - The nodes whose beliefs could change if a finding were obtained for a currently selected node, based on the graph connectivity (or vice-versa).  These are the nodes that are not d-separated with the current selection.  You could use Invert Selection after this operation to find the nodes that are d-separated.

Markov Boundary - Nodes in the Markov boundary of currently selected nodes.  If positive findings are obtained for the Markov boundary nodes, then the values of the currently selected nodes will not provide any additional information about any other node in the net.


Select Links

All - All the links in the net.

Disconnected - All the links in the net which have been disconnected from their parents.

Ineffectual - All the links in the net which have no influence on any inference results, because they are ineffectual.

Entering - All links directly entering a node which is currently selected (i.e. has a selected node as a child).

Exiting - All links directly exiting a node which is currently selected (i.e. has a selected node as a parent).

Interconnecting - The links which directly inter-connect the currently selected nodes (i.e. have both a child and a parent which is selected).

Cycle containing - If there is a directed cycle in the net, belief updating will be disallowed, and this helps to find it.  Select a link in the cycle (perhaps as reported by an error message), and use this operation to select the rest of the cycle.