Available User Report Tags

The following tags may appear in any report template file, in double square brackets.  They will be replaced with a report according to their description.  For an example of their use, see the file "Report Templates\Net All.nsp.htm".  For editing tips, see item 2 of  adding a report.

Net.BeliefsTable      Report on all the beliefs in the net.  Can be displayed in text or html respectively, as Net.BeliefsTable(TextFormat) and Net.BeliefsTable.

Net.CaseID     The ID number of the case currently read into the findings.

Net.CaseProbability      The joint probability of the findings currently entered, as predicted by the net.

Net.CaseExpectedUtility      The expected utility of the findings currently entered.

Net.Comment      Comments made within the net or the net description

Net.EliminationOrderList (Seperator=",  ")      The elimination order used to construct the junction tree.

Net.Equations (Compiled)      Report on all the equations within the net.  If the "Compiled" tag is left out, then the equations will appear in text as entered.  With the Compiled tag, the equation appears in an internal (text) format, which is sometimes illuminating.

Net.FileName     File name should end in .neta

Net.FindingsList (Equals=" = ",Seperator=",  ")     Report on all the findings within the net in list format.  

Net.FindingsTable      Report on all the findings within the net in table format. Can be displayed in text or html respectively, as Net.FindingsTable(TextFormat) and Net.FindingsTable.  If you want the questions listed vertically, you can use: Net.FindingsTable(VerticalFormat)

Net.Graphic      Report on net graphics.  Not available on most systems.

Net.JunctionTreeTable (TextFormat)       Report on the net's junction tree.

Net.ModifyDate      Date Bayes net file was last modified.

Net.Name      Name of the net.

Net.NodesetTable      Report on the node-sets within the net.  Can be displayed in text or html, as Net.NodesetTable (TextFormat) or Net.NodesetTable respectively.

Net.OverallTable      Report on the overall net. Can be displayed in text or html, as Net.OverallTable (TextFormat) or Net.OverallTable (StyleHtml=tableOverall). This report contains general numeric measurements on the number of nodes of each type, number of links, number of findings, number of loops, and number of CPTs etc.

Net.Title     Title of the net.

Net.User (Field="..")      The value of the named user field.  Especially useful when building AutoNetica projects.

Node Tags

The following tags may appear, in double square brackets, in a report template file meant for a node.  They will be replaced with a report according to their description.  For an example of their use, see the file "Report Templates/Node All.nsp.htm".

Node.BeliefsList (Seperator="</td><td>")



Node.CPTable (Experience)

Node.CPTable (TextFormat)

Node.Equation (Compiled)  This nodes equation, if it has one.  If the "Compiled" tag is left out, then the equation will appear in text as entered.  With the Compiled tag, the equation appears in an internal (text) format, which is sometimes illuminating.



Node.InputName (Parent=0)




Node.MutualInfo (Node="TargetNode(0)") More on Mutual Information

Node.MutualInfo (Node="TargetNode(0)",Fraction=Percent)

Node.MutualInfo (Node=0)

Node.MutualInfo (Node=0,Fraction=Percent)



Node.Real (State=0)

Node.RelativesList (Generation=-3, Seperator=",  ")

Node.RelativesTable (StartGeneration=-4, EndGeneration=2, StyleHtml=table)

Node.SensitivityTable (MutualInfo)

Node.SensitivityTable (TextFormat,MutualInfo)

Node.StateComment (State=0)

Node.StateLabelsList (Seperator="</td><td>")

Node.StateName (State=0)

Node.StateTitle (State=0)

Node.ThresholdLower (State=0)

Node.ThresholdUpper (State=0)


Node.VarianceReal (Node=0,IndicatesUnknown="unknown")
